Posts marcados com grandes conquistas da humanidade

Alguém virou Breath of the Wild sem pisar duas vezes no mesmo lugar

Ash Parish, no Kotaku:

“It felt like cheating to just launch myself off the plateau and into the castle in a straight line, although technically it was Snake,” Pipkin said. “So I said my win state included all towers—a fully filled map.”

It took eight months and six restarts but on June 30, Pipkin finished the challenge. According to them, a lot of that time was spent waiting—either on NPCs or enemies. Since reaching shrines to obtain Spirit Orbs can potentially cause pathing troubles, Pipkin could only complete so many. As a result they were severely underleveled, making regular enemies very dangerous. An attack could either kill Link outright or knock them back, so they often waited, perched on towers or cliffs, biding time until enemy paths to reset so they could make their way forward safely. There were also more minor but equally time consuming moments when Pipkin would accidentally walk the wrong way trying to reach a quest NPC, requiring them to wait whole in-game days for their paths to reset to a more favorable position so they could complete the quest.
