Tijolos de restos plásticos são mais fortes que os de concreto

Eu tava precisando de uma boa notícia essa semana, e olha só essa: uma jovem chamada Nzambi Matee começou uma empresa que fabrica pavimentos feitos com restos plásticos que são mais fortes, duráveis e baratos do que os feitos com concreto. Ainda por cima, ajudam a reduzir um tipo perigoso de poluição que permanece muito tempo no planeta. Pelos seus esforços, Matee foi honrada pela ONU:

Each day, the business churns out 1,500 plastic pavers, which are prized by schools and homeowners because they are both durable and affordable. Gjenge Makers is also giving a second life to plastic bottles and other containers which would otherwise end up in landfills or, worse, on Nairobi’s streets.

“It is absurd that we still have this problem of providing decent shelter – a basic human need,” said Matee. “Plastic is a material that is misused and misunderstood. The potential is enormous, but its after life can be disastrous.” […]

“We must rethink how we manufacture industrial products and deal with them at the end of their useful life,” said Soraya Smaoun, who specializes in industrial production techniques with UNEP. “Nzambi Matee’s innovation in the construction sector highlights the economic and environmental opportunities when we move from a linear economy, where products, once used, are discarded, to a circular one, where products and materials continue in the system for as long as possible.”

Via Colossal, que tem imagens lindas de como Matee e sua equipe pavimentaram os arredores de uma escola.